- Instituto Tecnol?gico de Sonora. Ciudad Obreg?n, M?xico.
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This paper parts of the premise that the customer\'s perception about the quality and satisfaction of a received service are very important variables for marketing. However, more empirical evidence is still needed to support the association between these, which is why the present study seeks to identify the possible correlation between these variables, especially within companies in the tourism sector in Mexico. To do this, we used a quantitative methodology and a non-experimental design, where, through a non-probabilistic method for convenience, we obtained the participation of a sample of 310 consumers from a total of 38 companies in the tourism sector in a city Located in northern Mexico. The results showed a strong relationship between these variables, supporting the two hypotheses posed within this research, through Pearson correlation and linear regression.
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[Rosalva Irma Castro Alvarez, Altayra Geraldine Ozuna Beltran, Marco Alberto Nunez Ramirez, Teodoro Rafael Wendlandt Amezaga and Sacnicte Valdez del Rio. (2018); ASSOCIATION BETWEEN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND SERVICE EXPECTATIONS IN CONSUMERS OF TOURISM SECTOR COMPANIES. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (Jan). 1341-1350] (ISSN 2320-5407).
Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora